Saturday, July 13, 2013

3rd Annual BeerBQ at Flying Saucer Addison

What's up guys!? Started thinking about what I'd do my first post on and what better than our biggest event of the year, the BeerBQ. This years edition of the BeerBQ started its planning the day after we finished last years. We started storing away goodies starting with Real Ale's Volume XV...their barrel aged anniversary edition. As we collected more and more beers it came apparent that our theme for the BeerBQ would be Texas Rarities. With SOOOO much good beer coming out of the state these days it's hard to pass at that opportunity! So what do we have lined up for you? Lots and lots of great
brews. I'm going to spend sometime this week talking about each of the hours.

The day starts off with our Austin Hour featuring one of my favorite Texas Beers, Jester King's RU-55, a Flemish Red 7.3% ABV. This beer came to us directly from the Brewery. I had been in talks with Ron Extract (owner of JK) back in early November to get some casks of JK brews here in Addison. JK's philosophy is evolving into more and more bottle conditioning and moving away from force carbonated as you can imagine, getting a KEG version of this limited release was extremely hard but we still managed to work something out. The original plan was to feature the beer during our 17th anniversary party but it didn't make it here in time so I stashed this bad boy away for the BeerBQ. As I said, you are going to be hard pressed to find this beer on draught anywhere outside of the Brewery itself. Last time I saw it was for the Jester King Dinner at The Moth earlier this it's a real treat and in my opinion one of the best Sours you're going to find in Texas. Lush red wine notes, tartness and midly sour. Meduim to full body with a tart dry finish. Traditional Flemish Reds are matured in wood casks exposing them to a host of bacteria -namely lactobacillus, brettanomyces, and pediococcus - lending funky flavors, distinct tartness and sourness to the beer. This Texas example is no different. Make sure to check it out!!

Rounding out the other half of the hour is 512's Whiskey Double Pecan Porter...barred aged porter 8.3% ABV. I literally could bath in this beer. So much going on in it, wood notes, vanilla, bourbon, nuttiness from the local pecans with a silky smooth texture. Imagine a nitro poured pecan pie with a bourbon chaser.... It's a true gem! It comes out only once a year and we only ever can snag one keg of it due to it's rarity. I've seen it around DFW quite a bit in the last few months, mostly on other bars anniversary menus and special events. If you are a bourbon fan this is definitely a beer to try. Unlike the JK RU-55, which is also barrel aged, this 512 is matured in recently emptied whiskey casks. So instead of funky flavor you get a lot of distinct bourbon flavors, namely vanilla, sweet maltiness and "wood" without the alcohol burn or the hangover haha.  I love it. Bourbon fans love it. You will love it.

That wraps up the Austin Hour. Make sure you get here a little early because I don't expect either beer to last very long. The last time we tapped the Double Pecan it blew in 30 minutes and with the RU-55 being so rare, who knows? I'll be around all day Sunday so if you have any questions please ask for me!!!

Check my blog for updates on the rest of the beers that day; next up Blanco, TX's Real Ale Mysterium Verum series!

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